66 N 6th Street Pomeroy, WA 99347
(509) 843-1591

At GCHD, know that every patient has a care story to tell. While this story often begins before you ever arrive at GCHD, it certainly continues when you walk through our doors, meet our staff and begin your treatment journey.
To us, “caring for generations” means instilling genuine dignity and care in everything we do – from the first greeting a patient receives, to the nurses and doctors that listen to your health concerns and work to find answers, to those who support you when you and your loved ones leave our care.
​In every case, there is a care story that deserves to be shared.
We know that each and every healthcare journey, and care story, is unique. We hope to hear, and then share, your care stories about GCHD, our staff, a specific department or specific person that was integral to your care – or to the care of someone you love.
​Once you share your story, a GCHD representative may reach out to you to see if you’d be comfortable with us sharing your story on our website or in one of our printed publications.
We thank you for trusting GCHD and sharing your story here.
My Testimonial
Please complete the form to submit your story to us.